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Learn what your wrinkles tell about you, your emotions and your internal balance

Get to know Traditional Chinese Medicine and Face Reading principles and understand how you can with Face Exercises not only affect your wrinkles but also emotional patterns and well-being.

Time: 22 mins
Watched: 1001 times

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Karin Velikonja

CEO Glowinface and creator of Glowinface Face Yoga method and the owner of Holistic Glowin Studio.

Topics Included:

  • Why do we all age differently?
  • How genetics and epigenetics age your face
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine principles 
  • 5 element Theory
  • Face Reading modality
  • Facial wrinkle map 
  • How can your emotions and character shape & change your face?
  • How can Face Exercises help release trauma from your face & body
  • How to work on your face and emotions + age gracefully
  • How Botox and Fillers based on TCM affect your face and emotional being

Did you know each wrinkle on your face has its meaning? Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Face Reading theory it is believed that  through wrinkles, acne, and change of colour (dark circles, redness etc.) your body tries to tell you about inner imbalances that need to be addressed in order to achieve well-being.  Imbalances can be physical, emotional and or inherited. Your job is to learn how to read the signs and take proper actions to maintain balance and harmony which then translates through your face.
After watching this webinar you will understand why it is so important to work with and on your face and how Face Exercises address wrinkles WHOLE-istically.
At Glowinface we’re not about trying to look 20 years old forever, it is about keeping our body and face in balance and age gracefully.

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