Are you dealing with jaw pain, clicking noises when you open your mouth, or difficulty chewing?


Perhaps you’re experiencing discomfort in your masticatory muscles, headaches, migraines, or even unexplained pain in your ears or eyes. Do you notice that your lower face appears wider or puffy, especially in the mornings? Or maybe your dentist has informed you that you’re grinding or clenching your teeth, prompting them to give you a nightguard?

If any of this resonates with you, you might be one of the millions suffering from Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD). This often-overlooked condition can significantly impact your daily life and overall well-being, but don’t worry—relief is within reach! 


What is TMD?

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) refers to a variety of conditions affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull, enabling vital functions like speaking and eating. Unfortunately, factors such as emotional stress, an improper bite, or joint misalignment can lead to pain and decreased functionality.

Nightguards can help protect your teeth from damage, but they don’t address the root cause of TMD. Likewise, Botox and antidepressants are not the only options available to you


Understanding the signs and symptoms of TMD is crucial for finding relief. Common indicators include:

*Pain or tenderness in the jaw area

*Clicking or popping sounds during jaw movement

*Difficulty in chewing or opening your mouth

*Frequent headaches, migraines, and pain in the ears, eyes, or neck

*Back pain caused by tense masticatory muscles


How to Treat TMD naturally: The Power of Exercises and Manual Therapy

The goal is to release tension in the muscles of mastication, such as the masseters, temporalis, pterygoids, and the neck muscles (SCM and trapezius). Here are effective steps you can take:


  1. (Myo)Facial Massage 

Massage is a vital first step toward releasing tension. It warms up the muscle tissue, breaks down fascia adhesions, and prepares your facial muscles for further exercises. You can learn effective massage techniques in our Glowin Members Club, which also incorporates exercises for holistic relief.

  1. Facial Exercises

After warming up, it’s essential to engage in facial exercises that stretch the jaw muscles while strengthening surrounding ones. Focus on slow, intentional movements and long, static holds to maximize effectiveness. Properly activating the neck, facial, and cranial muscles during these exercises is crucial. Our Glowinface Face Yoga program is specifically designed for individuals experiencing TMD and is endorsed by dental expert Dr. Kulis. Explore the program here: [Glowinface Beginners Face Yoga Program](

  1. Manual Therapy

For a more hands-on approach, seek manual therapy from skilled practitioners. Our founder, Karin, along with Matej, provides specialized techniques such as myofascial release, facial exercises, and intraoral massage tailored to treat TMD effectively. The results our clients achieve are remarkable!

Why Choose Face Exercise and Manual Therapy?


  1. Non-Invasive: These methods offer a safe, gentle way to address TMD without the risks associated with surgery.
  2. Empowerment: Actively participating in your treatment can help you effectively manage symptoms and enhance your quality of life.
  3. Long-Term Relief: A commitment to exercises and therapy often leads to sustained relief and helps prevent the recurrence of TMD symptoms.


Unlock the Secrets to TMD Relief: Join Our Exclusive Online Programs!

At Glowinface, we are passionate about empowering individuals worldwide to harness the power to change and improve their facial health. While our best-selling online Beginners Program is primarily designed to reduce wrinkles, its powerful exercises also effectively help alleviate TMD issues. Experience the benefits for yourself—start your journey with the program here:

We’re also thrilled to announce our partnership with renowned dentist and TMD expert, Dr. Kulis. Together, we’re launching an innovative online TMD Release Program set to debut next year


The Exclusive Online Face Yoga Teacher Training: The Only Program Focusing on TMD Education directly from experts in the field!

Our exclusive online Face Yoga Teacher Training program is the first of its kind to focus specifically on TMD disorders and their natural treatment options. Not only will you gain unique insights into this critical topic, but you will also learn directly from a leading doctor and expert DMD Kulis.

What You Will Gain:

  • Expert Knowledge: Learn from DMD Kulis, who will lead lectures on facial anatomy, function, and TMD disorders.
  • Face Exercise and Massage Techniques: Our founder, Karin, will provide in-depth training on myofascial massage techniques and face exercises designed to alleviate TMD symptoms effectively.
  • Unique Curriculum: This is the only training program that specifically addresses TMD from both a dental and holistic perspective.



Who Should Join?

Whether you’re aspiring to become a Face Yoga teacher or a wellness professional looking to elevate your skill set, this training is designed for you! With the increasing number of individuals suffering from TMD, it’s likely that you’ll encounter clients facing this issue in the near future.

Understanding how to recognize the signs and effectively treat clients with TMD is essential. Empower yourself with the knowledge and techniques needed to provide exceptional care and support.


Don’t Miss Out!

We kick off our next training session on October 6th, and spots are limited! Join us in this transformative journey to become a part of a community dedicated to holistic facial health.

Are you ready to take the first step toward making a real difference in your life and the lives of others? Join us now and empower yourself with the knowledge and skills to combat TMD naturally!


Hi, my name is Karin, and I’m the founder and lead instructor of Glowinface Face Yoga programs.
Before Face YogaAfter Face yoga

I can’t imagine my day without face yoga. Exercising my face relaxes and energizes me at the same time, which gets me into a good mood, especially now when I see how far I’ve come. My cheeks lifted and gained volume, my lips got fuller, dark circles were much less visible, and my skin was completely renewed.

Sandra, 45

Once you see first results on your face, you just want to keep going – feeling better and younger each time. I lost my double chin upon only two weeks!

Martina, 37

Face Yoga Basic program covers all you
need to start rejouvenateing your face